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Chapter 125 - We Must Find That Hero

Simultaneous terrorist attacks rocked Paris, causing frightened people to pour into the streets.


"What the hell is going on!"

"Gasp! It's a terror! Terror! Some crazy men are shooting guns and setting off bombs. Run away if you want to live!"

Panicky citizens poured into the streets, running with all the might they could muster. Kyu-ha was calmly walking down the street with a crêpe he had bought on the street in his hand.


"Hmm... Terror... It's going to be hard to shoot normally tomorrow."

He saw a man running with his clothes soaked with blood pouring from his head.

A woman clutched her bleeding arm as she sobbed, and many others in similar discomfort were to be seen.

The streets of Paris, where romance flowed, were filled with screams and fear unlike never before.

"Terrorists have occupied the Bataclan Theater!"

"Oh no! My friend said he would see a performance there. Sob"

Kyu-ha abruptly stopped trudging along.

"The Bataclan Theater...? Dragon of Death Metal?"

He tilted  his head at the familiar words and soon nodded...

Chapter 125