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Chapter 63


Ian looked straight at the man before him.

He momentarily doubted what he had heard.

"The Crown Prince...?"

If he hadn't heard wrong, the man standing before him was the Crown Prince.

His thought circuits seemed to slow down.

His thoughts tumbled.

He shakily drew in a short breath.

The world seemed to flow slowly, and Ian began to burn with fierce anger.

The mastermind who destroyed House Ignis was standing right in front of him.

Ian couldn't help but be angry in this situation.

He slowly raised his hand, directing it toward the sword dangling from his waist.

The Crown Prince looked at him with indifference.

Ian clenched his teeth, lowered his hand, and bowed his head.

"Greetings, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

It took superhuman patience for him to endure...

Chapter 63