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Chapter 36

A long moment of silence hung in the air while both gathered their own thoughts.

Ian could review Ian Ignis’s memory, but he had yet perfected the ability to get accurate information.

While Ian had figured out that the princess could use magic, he didn’t realize it was not common knowledge.

Ariella broke the silence first.

“‘The one who pursues the truth…’ What do you mean by that?”

Ian shrugged.

“Just as it sounds. I want to find the hidden truths in the world.”

“For example?”

“Does this sound familiar? ‘Victory is ours. I am thy king. Swallow thine enemies like the flame.’?”

“That’s Jeriem the Great.”

“That’s right. Jeriem the Great.”

Ian nodded at hearing the name Jeriem the Great.

“I want to know the secrets they kept.”

“Come to think of it, you look a lot like him.”

“Are you talking about the Aura again?”

Ian asked, remembering the mural.

Ariella smiled and let out a slight laugh, surprising Ian.

Ian knew she was startled by his knowledge of her magic skill, and he could see she still had...

Chapter 36