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Chapter 30

The flame that had only kept flickering moved finally.

With the expression that he knew it would, Ian began to control the flame.

But although he succeeded in moving it, it was not easy to control.

It was like a wild horse running around.

He could control it to a minimal level but not precisely.


Ian grimaced as he tried to calm the flame down.

It was true that he didn’t expect it to be this easy to handle the flame.

He also knew it wouldn’t easily blow out like an imperfect flame.

But just because the risk of exploding was lower didn’t mean that Ian had complete control over it.

Mir moved around him, ready to assist him at any moment.

She also didn’t think Ian could handle the flame perfectly at once.

While he might be able to somewhat control the unstable flame with the help of fire spirits or mana like last time, that would not be a clever method.

He couldn’t expect them to help him every time he needed to use it.

No, they could help him if they could, but he should also consider when they couldn’t.

Countless thought...

Chapter 30