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Chapter 220

It didn't take long for them to notice something was off.

The forest was eerily quiet, with not a single sound other than the rustling of plants.

It was like Ian and Daniel were the only ones who had ever stepped foot in this tranquil forest.

The silence was so intense it made Ian scowl; the only noise he could hear was the crunch of their footsteps.

It was maddening not to hear any noise when there should be some.

'The flow of mana is also very strange.'

Under normal circumstances, mana should flow and interact with each other like the wind.

But the mana in this forest was totally still, never moving.

Even the mana contained in the air that Ian breathed in and out became motionless as soon as it left his body.

Feeling frustrated by this, Ian shook his head.

"Daniel, can you try casting a spell?"

"A spell? What kind of spell?"

"No, the mana here is a bit strange. Just try anything."

Ian looked at Daniel, who shrugged in response.

Daniel casually cast a fire spell.

As he clenched his fist and then opened his palm, flames burst...

Chapter 220