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Chapter 65 - Information

Many animals flocked together to hide their weakness, and the Honey Bird was one of those.

Several hundred to a thousand birds swarmed around.

That aside, their taste was good.

They had a slight flowery scent if you grilled them whole, and they were perfect to have with beer. Since there were so many, I often ate them when I was a mercenary.

<The King of Heroes says they’re tasty, but too many will get you into trouble.>

I didn't know how many had gathered, so countless honeybirds surrounded me.

Since they were so small, they could be mistaken for bugs covering me from a distance.

[I brought them all!]

There are too many.

As the King of Heroes warned, there were too many.

Given their size, I could handle enough food for all of them to eat. But if I gave them the leftover bread, it would take them a while to eat it.

It was apparent it would appear strange if such a large number stayed...

Chapter 65