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Chapter 37 - The Hunt (1)

After the King of Heroes fell asleep, I pocketed the letter.

'Shall we eat?'

It'd been four days since I passed out, but I was surprisingly full of energy.

'Achieving a new state and being full of energy... no, that's too hasty a judgment.'

I heard that a knight who achieved aura could go longer than others without food or water.

I had also heard that the mana accumulated in the body was used as energy to keep it going, but since I hadn’t learned mana, it was a hopeless story.

‘That energy may come from another place, but let’s eat first.’

While I was quite energetic, I was also quite hungry.

I wanted to eat, but breakfast time was long past.

'Should I ask the maid for food?'

I got up and went out the door.

The warm sunlight hit me, but I frowned.

'Somehow... the atmosphere is strange.'

It was the same duchy as usual, but since I could feel the energy of nature to some extent, I noticed a subtle difference in the air.

'It has nothing to do with me.'

I hesitated momentarily but soon shook it off and headed for the kitchen.

Upon entering, I found Sana, the dark-haired maid,...

Chapter 37