Chapter 14

Even though I hadn’t learned history, when it came to living magic, there was someone who came to my mind.


Living magic was created to raise people's standard of living. It wasn't helpful for combat.

“This one is a fail.”

If I couldn’t use mana, there was no way I could learn living magic.



『《A: Living Knowledge》

Effect: You have all the knowledge of living magic.』

“While it is an A-Grade, it’s not a useful ability for me.”

It had only received a high-grade to recognize its ability to enrich people’s lives, but that was the extent of its usefulness.

“Status Window.”


『[Status Window]

Name: Locke Ron Widia Age: 14

Status: 「Mana Rejecting Body」, 「G: Spirit of the March」, 「S: Super Intuition」, 「C: Mathematics Prodigy」, 「A: Strategy Genius」

Alignment: 「F: Courage of a Child」, 「D: Charisma of the Kitchen」, 「G: Fool’s Sigh」, 「B: Killing Aura Toward the Sky」, 「G: Efforts of the Cleaner」

Martial Arts: 「B: Dignity of the Golden Power」, 「G: Taekwondo Kick」, 「D: Wind Step」, 「E: One Shot, Sure to Hit」, 「A: Living Knowledge」

Skills: [Hero Draw] [Saving Abilities] [Hero’s Fundamentals] Number of Cards: 0]


I filled all the status window slots.

Some were useless, and some were high-grade but unnecessary.

The 「Animal Connection」 ability to get close to animals didn't suit me, so I changed it to 「Living Knowledge」.

“Will this be useful someday?”

Living magic wasn’t treated well on the planet Haytons.

Its abilities pertained mainly to making a sphere that emitted light, a refrigerator that cooled things, a warm campfire, or the like.

Halidenson could create items necessary for daily life.

'Anyway, this is surprising.'

I didn't know much about Halidenson, but there was something unexpected I learned from his memory.

'Halidenson also had a Mana Rejecting Body.'

Even so, after countless trials with a 'mana stone,’ Halidenson created his living magic in order to help his mother who had taken care of him.

‘So, it started with a mana stone…’

Only those with mana could activate the Strategy Board Artifact that Camelson had brought over.

However, for the first time ever, Halidenson had made artifacts that were operable only with mana stones, enabling only those without magic power to use them.

<The King of Heroes says it's like a battery.>

'A battery?'

<The King of Heroes says it's easier to think of it as a box that refills with energy.>


<The King of Heroes says that batteries are cheap and can be recharged, while mana stones are too precious.>

Halidenson created several artifacts for convenience, but they were so expensive that even nobles couldn’t use them.

As a result, people recreated artifacts based on Halidenson's techniques so that instead of buying expensive mana stones, those who had mana already could use them.

“I’m going to sleep.”

<The King of Heroes cracks a raw egg into their throat in preparation to sing you a lullaby again.>

<The King of Heroes sings with a throat moistened with the greasy, savory raw yolk.>


[You fell asleep.]


As soon as I woke up, I was dumbfounded by the sight before me.

“Are you awake?”

“Hehehehe. You're still drowsy.”


My etiquette tutor Vera, alongside the swordsmanship instructor Colorance, stood beside Tessrun.

<The King of Heroes gets angry, asking where the maids went.>

<The King of Heroes is perplexed with these morning greetings without maids. What the hell do they think of aristocrats?>


What was a maid to the King of Heroes?

"Then… I'll start right away.”

Vera took out the wooden stick I had seen yesterday from her bag.

Seeing that, Tessrun approached me after I had just stood up with a slightly worried expression.

“Duke Eisen... has invited you to dinner.”

“…Have you gotten that comfortable with me? That’s your first joke.”

“It’s not a joke.”


Tessrun's expression was so serious that I knew he wasn't joking.


Vera, standing next to us, tapped the wooden stick against the palm of her hand as she spoke.

“I heard this will be your first time meeting the Duke. I, Vera, will teach you thoroughly as even the slightest mistake will not be tolerated.”

<The King of Heroes gasps, saying that a snowy wind is blowing and hurries to find thick clothes.>



I had never learned etiquette before, so it was the class I feared most. However, Vera's lesson was much easier than I thought.


<The King of Heroes praises themself, saying it was to be expected from the chosen one.>

There were still a lot that felt awkward and that I needed to improve on, but Vera was genuinely surprised.

‘I thought this would be the hardest…’

It wasn't as difficult as I thought, probably because I had only learned the correct postures.

<The King of Heroes says it's probably because of your ability.>

<The King of Heroes is slightly surprised since the ability to adapt seems to be more effective than they thought.>

My ability had made it easier for me to learn etiquette.

Of course, there was still much to learn:

The 35 dances and gaits that nobles must learn, how to write dignified letters, the proper sitting and usual standing postures… the lessons were as numerous as mountains.

For now, the only other thing I learned was table etiquette.

Some of it was easy as I had observed the strange fallen noble who I had previously met as a mercenary.

“This should be enough. I thought it would take about 6 hours of training... hmm. I didn't expect it to be over in an hour.”

With Vera’s praise, Colorance, who was quietly watching my class, spoke.

“So, is it over now?”

"Yes. I think we will have to coordinate the rest after class.”

“Then it’s my turn now.”


“Why are you acting like a child? Swordsmanship is something that must be practiced all the time. If you take even one day off, you will lose muscle.”

<The King of Heroes mutters that there is a gym rat here.>

<The King of Heroes shouts that the one cuter than them is still a child and shouldn’t be ignored.>

There was no way that Colorance could hear the King of Heroes' voice, but it was still embarrassing.

"Now, follow me. What will you do, Vera?”

“I will follow you. He still lacks in many ways, so I plan to correct those things while watching from the sidelines.”


Colorance took us outside.

'Where are we going?'

I thought we would go to the training grounds, but Colorance didn't stop when we got there.

Instead, he tried to leave the area to which I was confined.

“Where are you going?”

Tessrun stood in Colorance’s way.

“I think we should go outside for the Young Master’s training.”

'Going… outside?'

From the moment I set foot in this duchy, I had never left this area.

It was the same in the future.

Since I had fearfully run away from the duchy and Hals, I had only stayed in this territory for a day at most, and I was hiding the majority of that time.

Well… even though no one looked for me.

“As for the training grounds, it was built as Sir Colorance directed yesterday, right?”

“Hehehehe… It's because it's not enough to master the Spirit Breaker here.”


"Don't worry. We'll be back on time."

“… Why do you need to go out as well Vera?”

“I should have told you? I said I would train by his side for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

Tessrun looked at me for a long time before muttering.

“The Young Master is always going out, so I think he might be okay, but…”


I'd never been outside before.

'No way… does he believe that I have?'

Did he believe this was the way I had been able to gain my knowledge?

Laughter leaked out as I imagined Tessrun struggling by himself to reach that conclusion.

But it was understandable.

I talked about a language book I shouldn’t have had access to, and I thought that I had made a mistake by revealing that at the time.

It was only natural that he would think such since I have mastered knowledge that I shouldn’t have been able to at this time.

‘…Yes, I think so. This is a good opportunity for me too. It wouldn't be bad to learn about the duchy’s terrain.'

In the past, I didn't have time to check because I was fleeing as fast as I could, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to look around now.

“Whoo… this is a secret from the Duke."

“Hehe, don’t worry about that. I heard there’s a dinner tonight, so we will come back by then.”

It was my first time experiencing the outside after returning.


After the capital of the Empire, the duchy had a reputation for having the richest and most beautiful city.

“There is no worry on the faces of these people, and the village is clean because it is always well-kept. And the beautiful sculptures and delicious food draw people's attention... It’s a wonderful city.”



I couldn't respond to Colorance as I stared blankly at the city.

‘…It’s beautiful.'

Energy and laughter like this were hard to find while traveling the continent.

It meant the people residing in the duchy were safe from crime and far away from the threat of monsters.

"Young Master?"


"Young Master?"

"Hmm? Oh… hmm. I'm sorry. I was distracted for a moment.”

“Hehe, it’s okay. Please come this way.”

Colorance grabbed my arm and pulled me after him.

Since I was the abandoned bastard of the Duke’s family, no one knew my face, and I didn’t need to bother hiding.

“Straighten your posture and hold your head high.”


I must not have looked good in Vera’s eyes.

She immediately swung the wooden stick, warning me to correct my posture anytime I shifted slightly.

“You have to walk confidently. If you continue like that, there’s a high chance you will grow up to have an out-toed gait.”

"Ah, Vera is right. There’s a high probability the soles of your feet will flatten. It makes it difficult to walk or run for long periods of time.”

“Bring your heels close to the floor, then tense your feet out and walk. It's better to balance by putting weight on the big toes.”


I followed Colorance while listening to Vera's constant scolding.

After walking for about half an hour, we arrived at an unexpected place.

"Field… of honor?”

“It’s a field of honor only in words. This place is no different from an arena.”

It was built in years past to suppress the troublesome behavior of knights with who regarded themselves too highly.

“At first, it was intended as a field of honor to protect the pride of knights, then it became a camp for criminals who learned martial arts, and now it has become an arena for fighters who want to make money.”

“…No way."

“I told you, right? Spirit Break is said to be so hard that learning breaks the soul. One of the reasons is the training required for the body.”


“You’ll train your body here.”

I looked at the arena entrance without saying anything.

<The King of Heroes prepares a life insurance contract.>

Chapter 14