Chapter 10

Tessrun went to pick up the next tutor with a complicated expression.

'There won't be such a book here... Did he go outside while I was gone?'

The only time Tessrun spent with Locke was when they ate meals; the rest was just Locke's time.

He was an outcast anyway, so he didn’t bother looking after him.

Since Locke was also obedient, he thought the boy wouldn’t do anything conspicuous.

What if he went out in his absence?

That was the only option for all of this to make sense.

'Was the Young Master really hiding his talent...?'

When added to what he said just before they entered this place, there must be a reason why the Young Master hid his talent.

'Does the Duke know something?'

Otherwise, there was no way he would choose to teach the subject of Emperorship to someone who had been abandoned until now.

'It's going to be noisy. I guess we can’t ignore his bloodline.'


The next subject was history, and the tutor was also a half-elf.

“My name is Heicillor.”

His neatly cropped hair revealed his personality.

Unlike Ashley, the language tutor, he didn't wear glasses and carried a bag filled with books.

“Heicillor… I know there was a half-elf with that name among the former teachers at the Academy... are you him?"

“…That's amazing. That's right."

Heicillor also thought of me as a child who knew nothing, but when I clearly recited his past, he couldn't help but be startled.

Heicillor was famous in the field of history, so it wasn’t too odd. He hurriedly closed his open mouth.

“I quit my Academy professorship for my research. Now, I’m living a wandering life.”

Heicillor was a competent guy, nicknamed the history freak, who supposedly wrote a new paper every month.

He even quit his job for the sake of history.

“We can test how much knowledge you have.”

“No, there is no need for that.”


“I don’t know any history.”

As opposed to language, I was largely ignorant of history.

Languages were directly related to my survival. While communication could give me an extra piece of bread, learning a country’s ancient past didn't improve my pocketbook.

Of course, I knew the simple things I heard while traveling, but that was it.

“I-I see. Hmm... Then we should start by talking about the rise of the Empire.”

Heicillor held out a textbook to me.

“The Ryzen Empire, along with the Koharit Empire, is the only Empire with a mixture of various kingdoms and peoples. However, the Koharit Empire started as a small country. It expanded its territory by going to war led by a strategic genius called Korant and ten masters called the Ten Stars.”

“Ten Stars...”

“You know this?”

“I’ve heard of them.”

It was said that since the Koharit Empire was small, the lords were given those positions to gain their support.

Since Korant was already a prince, he didn’t enter the Ten Stars, but each performed their best and turned the Koharit Kingdom into an empire.

“The Koharit Empire does not cling to the past and attributes the present Ten Stars with the greatest power. Some of the families of the Ten Stars who contributed to their founding have already disappeared.”

“I think that’s a bit too much.”

“However, because of that, the Koharit Empire has been maintained to this day. Simply put, it's a meritocracy, no different from the Ryzen Empire.”

The Ryzen Empire was also a meritocracy.

The only difference was that, unlike the Koharit Empire, there was no group called the Ten Stars, and their policies differed on illegitimate children.

Plus, if the Koharit Empire gave preference to skills, the Ryzen Empire gave preference to talent.

“However, the Ryzen Empire gives a mark to distinguish those who excel. People call this...”

“The Golden Dragon Shield.”

"You're right. It's called the Golden Dragon Shield. The original name is Golden Knight, which stands for their loyalty to the Empire.”

I had recently witnessed the power of those who attained the Golden Dragon Shield.

Their strength was so great that it couldn’t be expressed in words.

“And Duke Eisen of Widia is one of those with the Golden Dragon Shield.”

The Duchy of Widia had made significant contributions to the reputation of the Ryzen Empire, earning them their position.

Instead, it would be strange if the Duke didn’t have a Golden Dragon Shield.

“To get to the point, the Ryzen Empire is made up of 25 former nations and 12 ethnic groups. While the Koharit Empire maintained pure-blood emperors, the Ryzen Empire did not.”

“Was it arranged marriage?”

"It… is. How did you know?”

“I just thought there could be no other reason.”

“Hmm, yes. As the Young Master said, when the kingdom of Ryzen was small, it had several arranged marriages to create the current imperial lineage. That means that the current Emperor is a descendant of 37 bloodlines.”


<The King of Heroes is surprised by the fact the Emperor has such tremendous virility.>

'He’s not really the Emperor of virility.'

I heard that it took nearly 400 years for that imperial lineage to be created.

Perhaps, it was a way for descendants of the kingdoms to continue in their arranged marriages.

“Then, now that you know the basics, let’s move on to the next lesson.”


Heicillor continued the class with a slightly enthusiastic attitude.


Then it was math class.

My math tutor was an elderly gnome named Pranda.

“Are you a gnome?”

“Hehehehe, no. I am human.”


He was short, his white beard obscured his entire face, and his brown skin made me think of a gnome.

“Since I was born with a bent back, I am often misunderstood. Hehehe...”

“I’m sorry.”

"Not at all. Anyway, I'm going to start the class... is that okay?”

"Right. Let’s get started right away.”


Pranda pulled a piece of parchment with various formulas and calculation problems from his pocket.

“I heard the Young Master Locke is new to mathematics, so… hmm?"

I didn't even listen to the end of Pranda's explanation before solving the formulas with a quill pen.

[<Mathematics Prodigy> is activated.]

'It's easy.'

I wondered if the planet I had seen in that hero's memory had advanced mathematics with those strange symbols.

On a planet with many strange formulas where answers to questions involved numerous calculations, and the answers ultimately resulted in ‘1’ anyway, I acquired this skill.


Pranda was amazed when I casually solved the formulas and took out another sheet of parchment in a hurry.

I then easily worked out those next.

“T-This, too, please...”

The formulas were subtly different from the planet in the memory, but the way to find the value was the same.

I continued to work through the problems.


Pranda laughed.

“You’re a genius… I heard you’re only 14, but you can solve problems that even seniors in the Academy struggle with...”

“Hmm… Is it around this much?”



The problems I could solve were at the level of ‘high school subjects.’

In the hero's memory, I was no more than 10, and learning this much earned me the title of prodigy.

It seemed the senior year of the Academy and the high school, from that memory, were at the same level.

"Well… This old man will step aside.”


“The Young Master is already solving senior math problems, so he probably won't need a math teacher. Hehehehe.”

Pranda said as he arranged his books.

“Young Master... are you interested in magic?”


The next class was strategy, and an unexpected tutor appeared.

Camelson, who was said to be the right-hand man of the Knight Commander of the Duchy of Widia, was in charge of my class.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Camelson, and I serve as the Vice-Captain of the valiant Black Wyvern Knights Force of the Duchy of Widia.”




"It's nothing, sir."

Camelson seemed to be taken aback for a moment as I spoke informally.

'Is this the youngest who was abandoned?'

He was obliged to closely check the appearance of the youngest master now his existence was no longer hidden.

This was because the Black Wyvern Knights Force supported the eldest son.

'Did he hide until now, or was it because he wasn't talented enough that he was abandoned?'

The reason Camelson took over as his tutor was to confirm that.

“Young Master, do you know about this?”

Carmelson set a magic board that seemed to hold the world on the table.

It wasn't huge, but I felt intimidated by this artifact containing the world inside its huge dome.

"Well… It's the first time I've seen anything like it.”

“I thought so. This is a strategy board artifact used by nobles. They choose resources, terrain, races, and so on. They can build or use contraptions, enchantments, buildings, and the like to fight against each other. It’s like a very ‘fun’ game with a maximum of 4 players.”


“There's nothing better than this to learn strategy. Would you like to try it?”

"Sure. It looks interesting.”

Camelson smiled contemptuously.

“I will explain briefly since it’s your first time, Young Master. Races are divided into three levels human, celestials, and natures. Humans can use magic, knights, and soldiers in various ways, but their defense is weak. Celestials have strong magic and sturdy bodies, but they are expensive and require certain conditions to create buildings. If you spend their mana too quickly, you won't be able to do anything. The nature group includes monsters, elves, demi-humans, and dwarves, so they have strong fertility and can use a variety of unusual magic.”


“Which one would you like?”

“What are you going to choose?”

“I’ll be human. Since it is a scaled-down version of reality, there is nothing better than a human being in a tactics class.”

“Then I will try to be a human too.”

“You made a good choice. For starters, nothing is as simple as humans. It works by putting in mana, so I'll put in the mana.”

"I can't use mana anyway, so."

"All right."

Camelson breathed mana into the artifact, hiding a sneer.

But there was something Camelson didn't know.

It was similar to the game played by that fool who loved games and the genius who founded the Empire that resided in my head.

Chapter 10